Our volunteers help plan and organize our events, build toward the future as members of our Board, and hold many other roles in between. YOUR help is most definitely wanted, and needed.
Pauline Reich wanted to remind us that she collects items for servicemen and women, soldiers overseas, and needy veterans here at home. She's been doing this for many years, and needs our help!!
There is a box in the Temple entry on the left side on top of the glass display counter. Here is a list of the useful items Pauline will happily collect:
Birthday, Holiday cards, etc.- that you get in the mail
Pads you get in the mail
Pads you get in the mail
Candy - nothing twist ties - must be sealed on all 4 sides
Snacks, cookies, chips,- individual packages
Hot Chocolate Mixes
Foot Powder
Ramen Noodles
Travel Games
Travel Games
Magazines (within the
Decks of cards
Soft cover books
If you would be kind enough to bring it to the Temple Lobby, Pauline picks up donations weekly.
Should there be anything the soldiers cannot use, it is given to the veterans at the VA.
Should there be anything the soldiers cannot use, it is given to the veterans at the VA.
Pauline also collects your empty ink cartridges from your printers. They are sold
to a company and the money made is used to send all these items overseas.
Thanks for your help in advance. If you have any questions, please feel free to call me at: 818-764-8466
Thanks for your help in advance. If you have any questions, please feel free to call me at: 818-764-8466
If you want to be involved, but cannot fully commit to a task, please let us know as we would be thrilled to have a list of volunteers we can contact as needs arise.- Board Members
- Event Planning - including creating flyers and marketing our events
- Event Preparation - shopping / cooking / serving / set up / clean up
As you may know, Candice Gottlieb-Clark had been writing our newsletter for the past two years. Candice is moving out of state,so her sister, Michelle Jacobs, has taken on this task. If you have anything you wish to have added to the newsletter, please email Michelle at redheadsrule20000@hotmail.com. Please email your submissions by the 25th of the month, to allow ample time to include your contribution to the following month's newsletter.
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