Monday, July 2, 2018

Torah Fund July 2018

July 1st will begin our new Torah Fund Campaign.   You will be receiving letters regarding your 2018-2019 pledges in August.   Please, please return your pledge cards immediately when you receive your letter and this will save much time and expense.

As Jewish women and men, we are at the very heart of the struggle for Jewish continuity.  Part of the success of every synagogue is tied to the strength of its Sisterhood.  When Sisterhoods are strong and growing, our synagogues thrive and sustain communities for future generations.  Most of the core principles that guide us as Conservative Jews are directly connected to Torah and study for ensuring the future of Jewish life. 

Through the Torah Fund campaign, Women’s League is committed to work in partnership with the various universities to ensure that financial need is not a burden to the best and the brightest of our rabbinic students.   Now it’s our turn to make it possible for a new generation to pursue their education.   Our Jewish future depends on it by your contributions to the Women’s League’s Torah Fund campaign.

Again, thank you for your continued support of Torah Fund.  

Bobbie Cohen 764-7952
Torah Fund V. P.

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