Thursday, March 28, 2019

President's Message April 2019

Shalom Everyone,

Let’s get right to all the great things happening at your synagogue. Purim has come and gone but not without a lot of wonderful memories. How do I begin? Well, let’s do it chronologically. First we had a pre-Purim luncheon on March 17th that was attended by almost 40 people (a very nice turnout for a Sunday afternoon event). The luncheon was followed immediately-well, almost immediately-by a very loosely presented Purim Spiel. This spiel was written by our resident playwright, Roger Cowan, who did a bang up job in providing a hilarious skit somewhat related to the holiday of Purim. If you saw “The Chanukah Story” also written by Roger you can imagine what the Purim Spiel must have been like. The performance lasted less than a half hour and the actors read their parts; the reason it was done this way was to give everyone a taste of what the complete Spiel will be next Purim. That seems like a long time away but the wait will be worth it. TRUST ME?!

Purim was actually celebrated on Wednesday night, March 20th, and we did an unusual thing: we read the Megillah in English. We really didn’t know how many would show up but we ended with a nice turnout. Everyone who wanted could read a portion and it was a great way to go through the story and understand it. The next morning at minyan the Megillah was read in rapid-fire Hebrew. And so it went for all the Purim festivities.

Next up is PASSOVER. Passover will begin on Friday night, April 19th.  There will be NO synagogue service that night as we hope you will all be enjoying a seder with family and friends. VBI will host its own seder on Sunday evening, April 21st. SEE THE FLYER.  As I mentioned last month seating is limited to the first 46 paid reservations, NO EXCEPTIONS. It has been a sellout for the two years we have had the seder so DO NOT WAIT until the last minute to decide to join us. Check the date on the flyer but get your reservations in early.

A very important and exciting fundraiser will be held at the synagogue on Sunday, May 19th. We’re hosting a Mah Jongg tournament. If you’re a player or know a player please SEE THE FLYER and get registered. If you’re not a player you are still needed because we must have sixteen people to assist in the events of the day: serving food, ushering people around, assisting in drawings, etc. – it takes a lot of people. Please call the office if you are interested. If you have a sturdy card table(s) that we could borrow for the tournament we would appreciate the use of them.

Our Religious School is losing students to Bat/Bar Mitzvahs and we need your help in building it up again. A synagogue member is offering up to five (5) fully paid scholarships for the next school year. Call Mona at (818) 983-8176 for details. Help VBI continue to grow.

Have you seen the new American flag flying on the front lawn? Thank you Ruth Lenorovitz.  Ron

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