Let's keep each other apprised of the happy times and upbeat moments of our lives...
Roger and Karen Cowan renewed their wedding vows on April 22, 2018. Close family and friends were excited to celebrate with them.
Bobbie Cohen is enjoying a trip to South Africa, which she says will include visiting several campsites and going on Safari!

Our condolences to the family of Allen Greenstein, who passed away on April 4, 2018, after a recent stroke. Dorothy Greenstein wants us to know she thanks the VBI family and Rabbi Goodman for all the love, kindness, and support they gave her and her family.
Condolences are also sent to Donna Epstein and family, on the loss of their beloved husband, father, and grandfather, Albert Epstein. You may remember he served as an usher during the High Holidays, and was the security manager for the synagogue making sure we all stayed safe.
Shirley Sanders, who was a long time active member at VBI, also passed away. She had been living with her daughter in Alabama. We send condolences to her family.

Mona Trachtenberg was recently hospitalized. She's returned home and is recovering well. She and Ron appreciate all the well wishes.
Maureen Gradvohl, our Mechina Hebrew school class teacher, had been ill with pneumonia. We're happy to report she has recovered and has now returned to her class.
Gloria and Mel Sheftel are both in the hospital, being treated for pneumonia and dehydration, respectively. We hope they are on the road to recovery.
Ruth Lenorovitz is also in the hospital after falling at home and hitting her head. We hope she only has to stay for observation, and can return home soon.
We know there are always a number of congregants who are battling illness or other have suffered other health issues. We send you wishes of a return to good health.
(Please let us know if you, or a fellow congregant is infirmed so that we may send prayers and wishes for a return to good health).
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