Friday, March 2, 2018

Up-Coming Events

Please check back soon as we plan to add information and fancy up this page.  And thank you for your patience as we strive to make things AMAZING at Valley Beth Israel!

Torah Fund - March 2018

Women’s League, founded in 1918, our parent organization is the largest synagogue based women’s organization in the world, over 600 affiliated synagogues.   Torah Fund was a fundraising campaign for Women’s League which started more than 70 years ago with the establishment of a scholarship fund.   Through the years the Torah Fund campaign was earmarked for improvements to the various Jewish institutions, such as the American Jewish University Residence Hall which was built in 1989 with the state-of-the-art student center.

We all agree that education is the foundation upon which a better society is built.   For the Jewish community, Hebrew education and Jewish tradition are both continuous and as such require the means by which they can be sustained.   Since 1947, through Torah Fund, we have all been partners as a community with our support of the various Jewish universities.    Each and every one of us is helping to provide the Jewish community with the people necessary to enrich our tradition, make it more meaningful, and continue the heritage of Judaism.

We thank all who have already sent in their contributions for 2017-2018 campaign.   We thank you for making Judaism  come alive, now and for all generations to come.

 Bobbie Cohen 764-7952

Torah Fund V. P.

Thursday, March 1, 2018

President's Message - March 2018

Shalom Everyone,

              I’d like to start this newsletter by telling you about Purim and the post-Purim dinner; but, since they haven’t happened yet and my crystal ball is in for repairs you’ll have to wait until next month’s newsletter to find out (if I can remember long enough to include it there). I think we all had a great time at both?!

There is much to write about so let’s get started.  Wonderful news at least from an administrative/financial standpoint. Thanks to a sizeable donation from one of our members and the diligent efforts of another, both of whom will go unnamed at this time, we have a working yahrzeit program. That means you should be receiving notices of yahrzeits for your family members on a monthly basis. If you know of a yahrzeit that we missed please call the office and let us update the listing so that we will not overlook it in the future. Something you might do to help: make a list of all your yahrzeits and send it to the office. That way we can compare with what we have and make necessary changes.  

              The second piece of news is that our bookkeeping/accounting program is on line again. Because of the glitch that occurred initial billings that you receive may be inaccurate so please bear with us as we try to get it working. Again I’m going to ask for your assistance. Please look at your last billing (you received it many months ago), copy it and make corrections such as: pledges you made but have not paid, payments you have made but have not received credit for, and so on. Valley Beth Israel is at a critical juncture in finances since we have been unable to send out billings for so long. Along with doing that I am also asking that if you have an outstanding balance please make a payment of as much as you can as soon as you can. Additional donations will be greatly appreciated also. Thank you for your cooperation. 

              To those who receive emails from Rabbi Mark I’m sure you read with interest what he had to say regarding the status of the board of directors and committees. If you haven’t seen it let me know and I’ll be sure you get a copy. Things are going to change at VBI if we plan to move forward. We have committees that are waiting for volunteers. There is much to be done that can be done but everyone must do their part. Each of you can do something! I have three people who have already responded; more are needed. A meeting will be held during this month to put our new plan into action. 

               I’m on a roll right now but I’m out of time and space. Expect to hear more either during the month or in next month’s newsletter. Our time to make changes is NOW!! Be a part of the change.


News of Our Congregants - March 2018

Let's keep each other apprised of the happy times and upbeat moments of our lives...

Roger Cowan (aka Ringo) has been in London visiting his family for most of February.  We've missed him (and will miss him as the King in our Purim Shpiel), but are glad he's had a wonderful trip to his Mother land.  He'll be back for Rockin' Shabbat this month.


Ed Kasman, men's club President will be taking a cruise to the Caribbean.  He promises to bring back Rum for everyone!*  Hooray!
*just kidding


Candice and Mashuri Clark and family who will be moving to Denver this summer are celebrating that their children have been given admission to their first choice Elementary School!  Woo Hoo!


VBI's inaugural VIP effort has become a huge success.  We have 14 congregants who signed up for this special honor.  They will be at dinners, events, and receive VIP treatment - all at a discounted price!!  We are trying to ensure that our VIP's become the hottest game in town, and if we succeed, be ready to see another opportunity to sign-up for these in the late Spring for participation during the second half of the year.


Our condolences to Ed Kasman on the loss of his brother Avrum who lived in Israel.

Ruth Glass, who had back surgery, and who also (separately) was in an auto accident.

Allen Greenstein had a stroke.  We hope he is already on the road to recovery.

Pauline Reich, who sends out all of the get well and condolences cards on behalf of the VBI congregation needed a little GET WELL wishes herself! Pauline suffered a terrible bout of the flu.  We are glad you are feeling better again Pauline!  You mean so much to all of us.

We know there are always a number of congregants who are battling illness or other have suffered other health issues.  We send you wishes of a return to good health. 
(Please let us know if you, or a fellow congregant is infirmed so that we may send prayers and wishes for a return to good health).