I’d like to start this newsletter
by telling you about Purim and the post-Purim dinner; but, since they haven’t
happened yet and my crystal ball is in for repairs you’ll have to wait until
next month’s newsletter to find out (if I can remember long enough to include
it there). I think we all had a great time at both?!
is much to write about so let’s get started. Wonderful news at least from an
administrative/financial standpoint. Thanks to a sizeable donation from one of
our members and the diligent efforts of another, both of whom will go unnamed
at this time, we have a working yahrzeit program. That means you should be
receiving notices of yahrzeits for your family members on a monthly basis. If
you know of a yahrzeit that we missed please call the office and let us update
the listing so that we will not overlook it in the future. Something you might
do to help: make a list of all your yahrzeits and send it to the office. That
way we can compare with what we have and make necessary changes.
The second piece of news is that
our bookkeeping/accounting program is on line again. Because of the glitch that
occurred initial billings that you receive may be inaccurate so please bear
with us as we try to get it working. Again I’m going to ask for your
assistance. Please look at your last billing (you received it many months ago),
copy it and make corrections such as: pledges you made but have not paid,
payments you have made but have not received credit for, and so on. Valley Beth
Israel is at a critical juncture in finances since we have been unable to send
out billings for so long. Along with doing that I am also asking that if you
have an outstanding balance please make a payment of as much as you can as soon
as you can. Additional donations will be greatly appreciated also. Thank you
for your cooperation.
To those who receive emails from
Rabbi Mark I’m sure you read with interest what he had to say regarding the status
of the board of directors and committees. If you haven’t seen it let me know
and I’ll be sure you get a copy. Things are going to change at VBI if we plan
to move forward. We have committees that are waiting for volunteers. There is
much to be done that can be done but everyone must do their part. Each of you
can do something! I have three people who have already responded; more are
needed. A meeting will be held during this month to put our new plan into
I’m on a roll right now but I’m out of time
and space. Expect to hear more either during the month or in next month’s
newsletter. Our time to make changes is NOW!! Be a part of the change.
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