Monday, January 1, 2018

Tu B'Shevat - Celebrate the Trees

Tu B'Shevat is an important time to discuss how we as individuals, friends, and families can help care for the Earth. This Ecology List includes many of the things people do to care for the Earth.

Read though the list and describe how each item takes care of the Earth. Next, put a check next to all of the things that you already do. Finally put a star next to things that your family can begin to do as a Tu B'Shevat resolution this year, 5778.

And of course, Close/Conclude by singing "Happy Birthday" to the trees.

 ___Turn off the water while you brush your teeth.

___Separate your garbage into recycling, composting, and true trash.

___Turn off lights when leaving a room.

___Take short showers.

___Use the second side of school papers and memos for scrap paper.

___When hiking and visiting parks, stay on marked trails.

___Keep your home thermostat at 68ºF during the winter and 78ºF during the summer.

___Buy fruit and vegetables from local farmers.

___Travel by bicycle and public transportation when possible.

___Eat less red meat.

___Plant trees in your yard or neighborhood.

___Volunteer for an environmental organization.

___Go organic!


___Grow some of your own fruits and vegetables.

___Buy printer paper made from 100% post-consumer waste.





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