Mazel Tov
Last month we wished Mazel Tov to Elaine and Dan Rubinstein on the birth of their new granddaughter. Their loving response...
Thank you for your donations and congratulations on the
birth of our granddaughter in Finland. She now has a name! It is Oreen Mia which is Hebrew for light of
joy from God.
Receiving your cards with the congratulations and listing
the many, many donations brought smiles to our faces. You always respond whether it’s times of joy or
sorrow. Please know that all of you are
greatly appreciated.
Birthdays and Anniversaries!!

To honor birthdays and other celebrations, please join our congregation in our monthly Choral Shabbat. Our next program will be this Friday, October 6th, 2017.
Services begin at 7:30pm
Please let Judy Knigin know if you will be celebrating a birthday or anniversary in the coming month. Likewise, we invite you to sponsor an Oneg Shabbat or Kiddush Luncheon. Judy can be reached in the Temple office at (818) 782-2281
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