Friday, September 1, 2017

Torah Fund - September 2017

 The 2017-2018 Torah Fund campaign is underway!   By now you should have received letters regarding your Torah Fund pledges.  Please return your pledge cards and checks as soon as possible after receiving your letters.   

The Torah Fund Mission is to give every person an opportunity to participate in preserving, promoting, and perpetuating Conservative/Masorti Judaism through active giving to the Torah Fund  campaign of Women’s League for Conservative Judaism in support of the various Jewish institutes.

Our current theme for 2017-2018 is Mah tovu.  Mah tovu, which means “how good”, is a phrase that originates  in the Torah as the basis of the opening prayer.    The full phrase is:  “How goodly are your tents, O Jacob, your dwellings, O Israel”.   It is a spontaneous exclamation of joy and appreciation, said when gazing at the nation of Israel, dwelling in peace and mutual respect.  
As we celebrate the beginning of the 100th year for Women’s League and the end of the 75th year of the Torah Fund campaign, we count our many blessings as individuals within our community.  We need your support more than ever in our Torah Fund campaign. 

Again, thank you for your continued support of Torah Fund.  

Bobbie Cohen 764-7952

Torah Fund V. P.

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