Shalom everyone,

Because we have so many positions on the board that are vacant and also because existing committees need new workers I’ve put together a “wish list” asking for individuals who can find a little time to participate with fellow synagogue members in a decided effort to put together some events that will bring in people to our synagogue. Here’s a few of my needs: individual(s) to be on our finance committee – responsibilities include budget forecasting, producing member billings and writing checks among other things; individual(s) with graphic skills to produce flyers for the many events that we have in work; individual(s) to be on a house & grounds committee – responsibilities include minor repairs around the synagogue and finding contractors for larger problems. These are a few of the areas where we need help. Maybe you’re that special individual who can make a difference. I need you, the synagogue needs you. Please call me.
As you must know we have (or at least try to have) services every single day of the year. It seems to be more difficult to get a minyan lately and with summer here we need you to try hard to attend either a morning minyan service, Friday night or Saturday morning. We are thrilled to have added fifteen to twenty new members over the last 2 years. It would really be nice if you would come to services to meet them - John and Linda, Jack and Debbie, and another Jack, Armen and Aviv are a few of the newest ones. We always have a great time talking after services and it would be nice to see you here too at Valley Beth Israel.
Hope you have an exciting Fourth of July with family and friends. We all know the weather was quite warm in late June - in the first of, I am sure, several heat waves that we have every year. Should you have a problem with your air conditioning and have no place to go please call the synagogue office or me and I will make sure you can stay in the cool confines of Valley Beth Israel. Looking forward to seeing you at the synagogue. Stay in touch with us as we have several events on the horizon.