Making a Difference
How do clergy in training learn to interact with people who are hospitalized, living in nursing homes, progressing through addiction recovery, seeking support groups, or finding themselves in hospice? Astonishingly, these topics have not always found a place on the curricula for rabbinic and cantorial training. Today, the seminaries that the Women’s League Torah Fund campaign supports dedicate substantial dollars, expertise and time to these issues. A recent Alumnus from Ziegler School of Rabbinic Studies served as campus Rabbi at the Los Angeles Jewish Home or Rabbi at a Hillel group.
We are inspired by the commitment of our students and graduates to this deep level of caring. Thanks to the support of Torah Fund, the ripple effects of these students’ education will impact people in all of our communities. There will be many new rabbis and cantors who graduated from all our Jewish Institutions united in their desire to serve the Conservative movement.
We need your support more than ever in our Torah Fund
campaign. For those who have not
contributed, please write your check to V. B. I. Sisterhood, Torah Fund .
Again, thank you for
your continued support of Torah Fund.
Bobbie Cohen 764-7952
Torah Fund V. P.
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