Sunday, January 1, 2017

Jews News and Book Reviews

Mrs. Sarah Feldman has published Jerusalem vs. Athens:  Unfinished, the important work of her late husband, and our beloved friend, Rabbi Lou Feldman, zt’l.  

In this book Rabbi Feldman simply and clearly identifies the moral and ethical principles which underlie some of the biggest decisions many of us will ever have to make, issues about which there is much confusion and controversy in today's society. 

He traces the fascinating history of  two opposing sets of values -- the biblical and the Greek -- and how they have played out in the events of the past 2000-plus years.  He then applies these values to some of the most difficult medical ethics issues of our time, such as abortion, pain control, beginning-of-life abuses, how we treat our disabled, the AIDS epidemic, CPR and the frail elderly, food and hydration for the ill and dying, organ transplants, healthcare, and physician-assisted suicide.  Finally, his recommendation follows for each of us to place a medical care directive on file reflecting our beliefs and wishes BEFORE we are in a position in which we are unable to communicate them effectively, and cautions us all to consider carefully the choices we make as a society. 

            Jerusalem vs. Athens:  Unfinished can be purchased on Amazon for $15.95.*  It is a compelling and hard-to-put-down book -- and feels like a visit with a dear, old friend. 

 *  If you would like to be part of a group order (with NO charge for shipping), let Kim McGarry know by January 18th.  (A message may be left in the Temple office)

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