November 1, 2016 Bulletin
The sisterhoods that make up the backbone of Women’s League
for Conservative Judaism know they need to adjust their programs and structures
to impact their members After the High
Holidays it is time for each of us as individuals,
to evaluate where we need to go in the year to come.
Through the years, our Torah Fund campaign has always been
successful due to the commitment and understanding of our dedicated women
across the continent. Women, like you,
understand the legacy handed down to us from generation to generation, to
perpetuate Conservative Judaism in the homes, synagogues and community.
As a member of our Torah Fund team, I thank you for your
understanding of the importance of the Women’s League campaign that helps these
Jewish institutions. It is through your
efforts and contributions that we will reach our goals and continue the many
programs which you help support.
We thank you for making Judaism come alive, now and for all
generations to come. If you haven’t sent
in your pledge, please do so now
Again thank you for your support of Torah Fund.
Bobbie Cohen
Torah Fund V. P.
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