Sunday, April 1, 2018

News of Our Congregants - April 2018


We have had a relatively peaceful month and are thankful to not have any reports of "Get Well" wishes or "Condolences" to report.  We hope we have not missed acknowledging any member of our congregation - remember, we can only send our wishes and prayers to those whom we know need our support. 

Please be sure to let us know if you, or a fellow congregant is in need of our help, condolences, or well wishes.  Better to receive multiple notifications, than not to receive any at all.


Last month we included a Get Well message for Alan Greenstein.  He and his wife Dorothy are very grateful for all of the cards and well wishes sent to Alan.

Birthdays, Anniversaries, Celebrations

Our favorite thing to do is CELEBRATE together.  At VBI we hope you will always tell us of the good fortune in your life and allow us to join in your celebration.
Please tell us of the births, engagements, weddings, promotions, bar/bat mitzvoth and other wonderful things for which we can celebrate and share in your joy.

We start each month with a Choral Shabbat as the congregation celebrates birthdays and anniversaries.  Join us Friday evening April 6th 2018, as we celebrate together.  Services begin at 7:30pm

Please let Judy Knigin know if you will be celebrating a birthday in the coming month, or if you would like to sponsor an Oneg Shabbat or Kiddush Luncheon. (818) 782-2281.
We love to honor our congregants as they celebrate a birthday, anniversary, or other milestone. If you have reason to celebrate, let us know! 

Better yet, add your birthdays and anniversaries to your contact information in the office or by updating your contact information here.


President's message April 2018

Hello and Happy Passover!

While I usually use this time to discuss the celebratory events occurring within VBI I want to take this opportunity to reflect on the Rabbi’s recent message about our synagogue and it's future.

We are partners in our Jewish faith, and in our love of Valley Beth Israel, but as the Rabbi mentioned, our synagogue has fallen on some tough times.  Financially, things have become a challenge and we are not where we want, or need, to be.  We know you want to be involved and to be of help, so please see below for our thoughts and ideas....and please know, we welcome your added involvement and ideas as well.

What can you do?
  • Review your financial records and confirm that you’ve made payment on your High Holiday pledges.  If not, please contact the office or send it in today.
  • If you are financially able, please contribute Chai ($18) or any other financial denomination you can, to give “Life” to our synagogue.
  • On the Yahrzeit for your loved ones, it is traditional to contribute to the synagogue.  Your contributions of Chai or another denomination are of importance.
  • Volunteer – we have several needs that are not routinely discussed, but which will help with our financial planning:
    • Bookkeeping assistance
    • Audit our expenses – especially utilities and bank charges
    • Review options for credit card processing
    • Create (and execute) fundraisers.  Beyond ideas – which we have many already - we need help to make them happen.

What we are doing:
  • We’ve moved some of our Shabbat services to our small sanctuary which holds up to 30 people.  This allows us to keep the room comfortable (and lights on) without the expense of the large sanctuary.  The cozy feeling of being closer together is an added bonus.
  • We’ve cut some programs – Adult education on Sunday mornings, our choir, and our accompanist.

For now, we will continue to provide Hebrew School for free and ensure that after our Shabbat services on Friday nights and Saturday mornings we will provide Oneg and Kiddush receptions.

We all want to see VBI grow.  Continuing to engage with you, our Congregants is a big part of that.  Bringing in young families is the rest of our path.

We know this can create a double-edged sword:  looking to grow while we see our current financial circumstances for what they are.  We choose to focus on the good and on what is possible.  And, more importantly, we want you to join us in this effort.

Ron Trachtenberg
VBI Temple President

Torah Fund April 2018

As Jewish women, we are at the very heart of the struggle for Jewish continuity.  Part of the success of every synagogue is related to the strength of its Sisterhood.   When Sisterhoods are strong and growing, our synagogues thrive and sustain communities for future generations.  Most of the core principles that guide us as Conservative Jews are directly connected to Torah and study for ensuring the future of Jewish life.

We are devoted to nurturing Jewish life by strengthening the great institutions of the Conservative Movement, our Ziegler School of Rabbinic Studies in Los Angeles, the Jewish Theological Seminary in New York, the Schechter Institute in Jerusalem, the seminary in Buenas Aires and now Potsdam, Germany.   We are blessed in our synagogues with depth of learning, prayer, and acts of kindness that bind us together, with communal leaders who are thoughtful and learned; with children and grandchildren who make us smile; and with the love of family and friends.   Everyone has the opportunity to participate in preserving, promoting, and perpetuating the Conservative movement by giving to the Torah Fund Campaign.   By supporting the Jewish institutes our mission remains the same; educating rabbis, cantors, educators, scholars and future lay leaders that our communities need to energize the vital center of religious life.

For those who have not sent in your pledges, please write a check to Valley Beth Israel Torah Fund.
Again, thank you for your continued support of Torah Fund.   
Bobbie Cohen 764-7952
Torah Fund V. P.