Saturday, April 1, 2017

Birthday, Anniversaries, and Celebrations - April 2017

To honor birthdays and other celebrations, please join our congregation in our monthly Choral Shabbat.  Our next program will be this Friday, April 7th, 2017.
Services begin at 7:30pm

Please let Judy Knigin know if you will be celebrating a birthday or anniversary in the coming month.  Likewise, we invite you to sponsor an Oneg Shabbat or Kiddush Luncheon. Judy can be reached in the Temple office at (818) 782-2281

VBI - President's Message

Shalom everyone,

Purim! Purim! What a wonderful time we had that night. It all started with a great dinner that was attended by almost 80 people. Wow! It amazes me that with such little notice for these dinners we have had large turnouts. Thank you to everyone who helped put it together (a monster task in case you aren’t aware of how much work goes into shopping, preparing, setting up and cleaning up for that many people). We didn’t turn anyone away this time but we will have to hold to the cutoff date that we set at future dinners. Please reserve early whenever there is an event requiring reservations of which there are many coming up in the following months.

Anyway, back to the story of Purim. The “shpiel” and the megillah reading went very well and the cast of characters, the reader and the large number of people in attendance made for a raucous evening. If you weren’t there you should make every effort to attend next year. Thank you to all who sent “shalach manot” treats to others; the bags that we made were very nice. We tried to be sure that guests not on anyone’s list did get a bag that night; anyone who did not pick up their bag will receive a letter indicating those that sent a treat to them because the bags are no longer available.

With Purim over you know it is time for Passover which will start on the night of April 10th. My wish for you is a holiday of fun to celebrate with your family and friends. We’re doing something this year that we haven’t for a long, long time: we’re having a 2nd seder at the synagogue. Knowing that most of you are joining with others for the first night seder we’re going to prepare a seder for the second night of Passover at the synagogue. The cost is $40 per person and as of this writing we have already 25 people who have signed up. We absolutely MUST (that’s MUST) know by Monday, April 3rd if you will be attending. We need your money in by that date also (if you make a reservation and do not attend you will still be charged because we are basing our purchases on your promise). Rabbi will be leading the seder from a new hagaddah. Join us in the celebration.

There are many events, many with associated dinners, in the next few months so stay aware of what is going on here at your synagogue. In May besides Mother’s Day, there is the celebration of Lag B’Omer and at the end of the month as we finish counting the omer (beginning on Passover) we have the holiday of Shavuot. I can guess that somewhere in that timeframe we will have another dinner. In early June there is a joint celebration of Mother’s and Father’s Days with the “Mamas and Papas”. Also in the planning stages are a return of the “Big Bands” and a bus trip to San Manuel Indian Bingo and Casino. So the beat goes on here at VBI and we have a lot of additional small fund raisers including night-outs at local eateries.

Join us for our daily and Shabbat services as well as holiday celebrations. See you at VBI.  
Ron Trachtenberg
President, VBI Temple

News of Our Congregants - April 2017

Get Well Soon!

Allen Greenstein - Our congregants miss you!
We know you have been having difficulty maneuvering, and your fellow minyanites just want to let you know that you are in their thoughts and they miss you.

Gloria Sheftel - Get well soon!
Celia Hyams - We wish you a speedy recovery from your hip replacement surgery.
Norma Neiman - Get well soon!  We were sorry to hear that you fell and broke your hip.
 Our Condolences
Rena Bunshaft and Family on the loss of Max Bunshaft. 
Max was a beloved member of VBI.  A good, kind man who was an important part of VBI as the Men's Club President.  Max ran some great programs and trips and he shall truly be missed.

Torah Fund - April 2017

Sunday, March 5, I attended a special Day Celebrating and Honoring the Sisterhoods of Pacific Southwest Region of Women’s League at the American Jewish University.  This year Women’s League is celebrating their 100th anniversary and Torah Fund their 75th anniversary.   Dr. Robert Wexler, president of the American Jewish University since 1992 was our keynote speaker.    Rabbi Bradley Artson, Dean of the Ziegler School of Rabbinic Studies  spoke about social justice, human dignity, diversity and inclusion.   We then had a panel of five women of accomplishment which included Danielle Berrin, senior reporter and columnist with the Jewish Journal.   She covers culture, politics and women’s issues.   Journalism is a challenge which leads to truth but shows the corruption and power sometimes.   The news should be verifiable fact and not an emotional fact.  

Thru Women’s League (WL) we cultivate lifelong friendships as women work, socialize and celebrate together.  WL helps you train for leadership and provides all the support you need along the way.   Learning is at the heart of  WL.  Our  support of the Torah Fund campaign ensures that another generation of Jewish educators will be here for us for our children and grandchildren which benefits our Sisterhood and Synagogue.
For those who have not contributed, we really need your contributions.   Please write your check to V. B. I. Sisterhood, Torah Fund  to help.   Again, thank you for your continued support of Torah Fund.  

Bobbie Cohen 764-7952
Torah Fund V. P.

Behind the Headlines - April 2017

by Selma Alpert

NEVER  FORGET!  On Jan. 27, 1945, the largest Nazi death camp, Auschwitz-Birkenau, was liberated.  Sixty years later, the UN designated Jan. 27th as International Holocaust Remembrance Day, for UN nations to honor the memory of 6 million Jews and 2 million other Nazi victims and also, to develop educational Holocaust programs designed to prevent future genocides.  Today, the UN has forgotten its own resolution, by ignoring several genocides and continuing to pass biased resolutions against Israel.

BAD  DECISION. The 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in N.Y. dismissed a judgment vs. the Palestinian Authority that ordered it to pay $655.5 million to families of victims of the Second Intifada, including 33 American citizens.  World Jewish Congress said that decision was a strong setback for efforts to hold the PA liable for its terrorist attacks. 

PARTING  GIFT.  Hours before leaving office, former President Obama secretly ordered that $221 million be given to the Palestinian Authority.  New President Trump froze the gift when he heard of it.  The State Dept. told reporters it was “under review.”  Now, a month later, the State Dept. announced the PA has received the money.  How come?

CENTER  THREATS.  Juan Thompson, a pro-Palestinian, leftist, Black Muslim, was arrested for 8 Jewish Center bomb threats.  He also worked for Intercept, a pro-terrorist,  often anti-Semitic site.  Investigative Reports states Thompson retweeted messages from Jewish Voices for Peace.

JEWISH?  PEACE?   Jewish Voices for Peace sounds nice, but don’t be fooled by words. The ADL names this group as one of the 10 most anti-Israel groups in the U.S.   It even  chose female terrorist Yousef Odeh to be the speaker at its national conference in March.  Odeh was convicted of involvement in two 1969 terrorist bombing plots in Israel, but Jewish Voices for Peace still chose her as its conference speaker. Other “Jewish” and “peace” groups claim to be for Israel and are not.  Check out your charities carefully.

NEW  DENIERS.   Jews know about Holocaust Deniers.  Now we have Trump deniers who refuse to accept his success and presidency.  Their latest attack boomeranged.  Deniers declared he was not so rich and he didn’t pay taxes. CNN displayed his 2005 tax return (illegally obtained?), showing Trump made $150 Million and paid $38 Million in taxes (25%), more than paid by Obama, Sanders or Romney.  Deniers proved themselves wrong.

GEORGE  SOROS.  Whether you are Democrat or Republican, please look up and learn about George Soros, the almost invisible world puppetmaster.