Wednesday, February 1, 2017

VBI President's Message - February 2017

                                                             Shalom everyone,
As usual I’ve have waited to the last possible minute to get this president’s message prepared for inclusion in the February newsletter but I can hardly wait to tell you of things that have been happening at the synagogue and of so much that is yet to come. Let’s start with the “new member” Shabbat dinner that was held on Friday the thirteenth in January. The lead time for reservations was extremely short but everyone came through in high style and we had a crowd of over 60 in attendance. The food was great (our traditional chicken or meatloaf entrée with all the fixins) and everyone had a wonderful time. It was especially nice to welcome many of our new members and even a few guests who have been attending services regularly.

Knowing that dinners bring out people and also the fact that most stay for the services that follow we are continuing the theme of having dinners, albeit not as elaborate as the January one, usually on the second Friday night of the month (“learning Shabbat”). Coming up this month on the 10th we are having a Tu B’shevat seder followed by a dairy dinner and then services. Make your reservations by the 6th to allow for the food to be purchased and all that goes into serving the dinner can be done. If you haven’t been to a Tu B’shevat seder, or haven’t even heard of one, come to this one and learn all about it.

Now let me give you a short synopsis of what will be happening at VBI during the next few months. In March, on the 11th-a Saturday night, we will celebrate Purim and it will be a full night of festivities. First of all we will have a dinner which will be followed by our annual Purim “schpiel” as we act out the megillah story led by none other than Rabbi Mark as Haman. It is the highlight of the evening and we hope everyone will come in costume. That way you just don’t know who you will meet.

Also happening in March will be the return of the opera company starring Rabbi Mark as they perform “Don Giovanni”.  The cost is very reasonable and you will be helping your synagogue for one of the few fundraisers that we hold.  The date is March 26th so make note of it and get your family and friends together for a wonderful time.

If you haven’t already guessed a month after Purim is Passover beginning the night of April 10th. We’re trying to see if there is enough interest in having a second seder at the synagogue. Contact the office or Mona if you would attend.

Other things are in the works and you will find out about them as time goes on. Please support your synagogue by attending services any day whether it is a morning service, Shabbat service or holiday service. Our committees are busy and could use volunteers. Contact me to inquire.

One last important bit of information. I know many of you do not receive this newsletter as it is sent out over the internet; but we are working diligently to provide you with a printed copy. Our office has been swamped with changes to our entire financial system and we just haven’t had the opportunity to publish the hard copy. Again if anyone has some new ideas and time to help incorporate them you will be welcomed with open arms.

I hope to see you at the synagogue often.



Torah Fund - February 2017

Through the years, the Women’s League Torah Fund campaign has always been successful due to the commitment and understanding of our dedicated women across the continent.   Women, like you, understand the legacy handed down to us from generation to generation, to perpetuate Conservative Judaism in the homes, synagogues and community.  

Our Jewish institutes have provide the three keys to success in meeting challenges and seizing opportunities for Jewish communities throughout the world:
Each year our graduates fill leadership positions in the Conservative movement as rabbis and cantors, educators and scholars, and as lay leaders of congregations and organizations.   They bring their education to bear on how Judaism is lived now, and as inheritors of the generations of Jewish wisdom that came before them.  

Many have not responded to letters sent and we really need your contributions.   
Please write your check to V. B. I. Sisterhood, Torah Fund  to help.

Again thank you for your continued support of Torah Fund.  

Bobbie Cohen

Behind the Headlines - February 2017

by Selma Alpert

UN HOSTILITY. In 2016 the UN passed 22 resolutions against Israel and
a total of 3 resolutions against all other nations. Then UNESCO voted that
the Temple Mount, site of the first and second Jewish temples in Jerusalem,
is a MUSLIM holy site, with no connection to Judaism or Christianity.
Rewriting history! Israel cut its financial support to the UN. Should we?
PAYING FOR TERRORISM?  The UN Rehab and Relief Agency schools 
are given $1.2 Billion annually.U.S. taxpayers pay about $400,000 of that. 
Islamic jihad, terrorism and hatred of Jews are taught to the young Palestinian 
students at those schools. Despite UNRWA’s slogan—“Peace Starts Here”
—in reality the organization promotes Islamist jihad, terrorism and hatred of 
Jews. UNRWA, founded to aid 750,000 Palestinian refugees displaced during
the Arab war opposing Jewish independence in 1948, has instead served to 
perpetuate andextend refugee status today to some five million people in Gaza, 
Judea and Samaria (the “West Bank”), Syria, Lebanon and Jordan. Many of its
30,000mostly Palestinian employees are members of the internationally designated
terror group Hamas.  Read more

Israel is bracing for another possible blow. The White House is said to be
considering a UN Security Council resolution to recognize a Palestinian
state. Congress was upset by the previous UN resolution that set the 1967
indefensible boundaries as legal borders. We hope the rumor is wrong.

HIGH HONOR. Rabbi Marvin Hier of the Simon Weisenthal Center was
chosen by our next President to speak at the inauguration. He was one
of six men of faith to participate. Our 45th President has pledged to move
the U.S. embassy to Israel’s capital, Jerusalem.

PLO THREATS. Abbas claims the Temple Mount and the Church of the
Holy Sepulchre are “ours,” and “infidels, (Jews and Christians) have no right
to desecrate them with their filthy feet.” (Read more) He threatens violence.
However, violence was there even when Jerusalem was under Jordanian
rule. Israel, reborn in 1948, respects all religions and religious sites in
Jerusalem, its capital of 3000 years ago, centuries before Islam existed.
Israel has close to 2 million Israeli Arab citizens. Abbas will not accept a
Jewish nation and vows “not one Jew will live in Palestine.” Who’s racist?

Yahrzeit - February 2017